Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chapter 18

1. The security guard was annoyed at him because he wasn't saying his name correctly.
2. Charon realises Percy's not dead because he sniffed Percy and didn't agree with them.
3. Percy convinces Charon to take them into the elevator by offering all of his money which he had a lot more of.
4. The River Styx is a big oily river of crushed bones, dead fish, plastic dolls and diplomas. It looks this way because they are the hopes and dreams that never came true.
5. The Underworld looks like a cross between an international airport and a spaghetti junction. There are three entrances and they all had security cameras and metal detecters everyehwere. Hades guard dog could not be seen but they could hear it.
6. I would choose the easy death and go to Asphodel fields,
7. Percy's plan to get past Cerberus was to play fetch but the stick he used fell into the River.
8. Annabeth grabbed a ball and started playing with the three heads. She controlled the Cerberus completely with the little red ball. She went to dog obedience school because she had a Doberman.
9. Percy realises that the three monsters needed a little attention sometime.
10. Nak. Because he might rip your head off and then your gone.

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