Monday 28 May 2012

Trip to the Museum !!!

1. Pukaki was a Maori protector, born in the 1700's carved in 1836.

2. This gallery was about the waka, Te Arawa and it's arrival to New Zealand. I thought it was very interesting

3. This one was about all the weapons, tools etc that the Maori used back in the day. It was cool to find out that Tutanekai's flute was made out of an actual arm.

4.  I learnt about all the Maori patterns on the whare's, and it was quite cool looking at all the spiral designs.

5. This exhibit was alright. It was about the Europeans travelling to New Zealand.

6. This was probably the most interesting exhibit out of the rest. The Mt Tarawera eruption, Guide Sophia and the pink and white terraces. A interesting fact I learnt was that guide Sophia could speak Maori and English and she took tours to the pink and white terraces.

7. This was very touching. The exhibit was about the Maori battalion going to world war 1 and 2. I really enjoyed the movie as well.

8. Gallery eight had a great amount of information about the New Zealand born celebrities like Temuera Morrison.

North Wing

I think looking at all the baths was not that interesting after a little while.

The art gallery was amazing. The paintings and sculptures really caught my eye in amazement.

The view was wonderful. Gets a great view of Rotorua

Downstairs was very small but also very informative. I enjoyed the piece about the ghost.

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