Monday 18 June 2012

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters
This term I studied Earthquakes and I also found out some things about different natural disasters. This is what I learnt.

 The biggest earthquake known to man has an altitude of nine point five in Chile. Earthquakes are caused by earth’s underground tectonic plates moving. Earthquakes are most likely to hit a city if they’re stationed on a fault line. There are foreshocks; they are like a mini earthquake warning you that there is going to be a bigger one. Also aftershocks can occur years after the main earthquake. Christchurch is built on a fault line. There is such a thing as moon quakes.

Tsunamis can be caused by earthquakes. The most prone area for a tsunami to strike is Japan. Tsunamis can wipe out houses, building, cars and even cities.

Tornadoes can reach up to one hundred seventy miles per hour. Avalanches can also be caused by earthquakes.

I thought this topic was quite good. It was very interesting but not really something I would recommend.

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